Category:Product Manuals

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The Opendium Web Gateway is an appliance filter designed to provide filtering services for anywhere from 50 to 50,000 users. Based on our state-of-the-art dynamic deep inspection technology the Opendium Web Gateway provides everything you need to comply with UK government guidelines such as Prevent and Keeping Children Safe in Education. To read about how Opendium systems perform against the UK Safer Internet Centre's Appropriate Filtering for Education Settings guidance, please see the knowledgebase page.

Opendium UTM provides the same functionality as Web Gateway, but with additional unified threat management capabilities, such as per-user control of non-web traffic, control of traffic between internal networks and support for site-to-site and remote worker VPNs.

The first few pages in this manual should be read first in this order:

The remaining pages are organised here in a similar way to the Opendium user interface.